Need a quick and easy sweet treat to make for your sweetheart this Valentine's Day? I baked up these
little pies with cherry filling for my
Vintage Valentine Collection. As I was baking them, I thought they would make for a great sweet treat for my husband this February 14th. Pie is really the way to his heart. But I don't really enjoy making pies. Especially since we enjoy a slice each and then they seem to sit in the fridge for the rest of the week. I like small goodies and these mini pies are perfect for someone who doesn't want to make a whole me!
You'll need:
pre-made pie crust
heart shaped cookie cutter
parchment paper
pie filling (I used cherry for these)
Roll out pie crust and cut out an even amount of heart shapes (1 for top layer, 1 for bottom layer). Lay out a single layer of the heart shapes on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Place a small spoonful of pie filling onto the center of the heart dough. Place a layer of the heart shaped dough on top and use a fork to close up the sides. Pierce the top of the pie with a few little holes for venting. Spread some egg whites on top and sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 325 for about 8-10 minutes.
I made a little
valentine to go with them! Cute for kids and sure to please your main squeeze as well.