Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hot cocoa, warming up by the fire, snuggling with little ones, playing with new games and reflecting on the year that we have lived.  The last week of the year gives us that chance of reflection on the year that is about to close and perspectives for the new year about to come.  I am really excited about what I can bring to you all this coming year.  Here is a sneak peak of what is to come in January and February.  Yes...it's for Valentine's Day.  I am perfectly okay with celebrating a holiday that promotes eating chocolate.  Yes, sign me up.


  1. How beautiful! I can not wait to see the actual Valentine's Day holiday spread

  2. Oh Hi Katie, so nice to 'meet' you:) So pleased you have a new blog- it is lovely; I had to follow of course! Well, happy new year to you, I bet you will have lots of inspiration to show us all this year. Do hop on over & visit me too @ http://louandjane.blogspot.com/ All the best, Aussie gal, Jane:)

  3. With every new year we set new goals and objectives to be achieved in that year. But many of them are not achieved. The good thing is at least you set some objectives and goals to follow the path in life.
